Creativity and unlocking your inner power
Creativity is the art of creation, the ability to manifest something out of original thought. Creative problem solving is a skill that is used for everything in all walks of life. Creativity is not just for the actor, artist, film-maker, potter, and writer. It is for everyone. We need creative solutions to solve everyday, personal, professional and business challenges.
"… And if you catch an idea that you love, that's a beautiful, beautiful day. And you write that idea down so you won't forget it. And that idea that you caught might just be a fragment of the whole — whatever it is you're working on — but now you have even more bait. Thinking about that small fragment — that little fish — will bring in more, and they'll come in and they'll hook on. And more and more come in, and pretty soon you might have a script — or a chair, or a painting, or an idea for a painting."
David Lynch, Director
Developing intuition
Every human being has the ability to have great ideas. It is purely a matter of unlocking our latent creative potential. Developing intuition also aids the creative process. The intuition to know what is going to work and what is not.
The art of creating
The art of creating, at its root, is the ability to connect with our innermost core. To connect with an inexhaustible reservoir of creativity and intelligence from where all our thoughts come.
This ‘source of thought', this silent innermost aspect of our own consciousness, can be experienced when we "transcend", when we go beyond our conscious mind.
A simple natural process
Transcendental Meditation (TM), founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is an easy effortless technique practised for 20 minutes twice a day that enables the mind to dive deeply within, to contact the reservoir of intelligence within. The practice is taught to globally standardised standards by certified teachers of TM.
Regular practice of TM has the effect of giving greater clarity of thought by dissolving tiredness, stress and strain that exists within the body and which result in cloudy thinking. If you cannot think clearly then you cannot create effectively. Clarity of thinking is essential to the creative process.
With regular practice of Transcendental Meditation you start to feel more relaxed and you have more energy. Being energetic and relaxed at the same time is the most fertile ground for creativity. In this calmly alert mode, your mind can more clearly visualise a process of creation to turn your vision into reality.
Deep rest
Transcendental Meditation works by providing the body with a uniquely deep state of rest. This rest dissolves the stress and strain that has built up in the physiology. Our minds then opens up to clarity of thinking, the ability to be aware of our inner nature, and the confidence to put our ideas into action.
Through regular practice of Transcendental Meditation people develop greater confidence within themselves and they start to trust their judgement far more. Putting a great idea into action is as much about developing your confidence to express your idea as it is having the idea.

Scientific research shows that individuals who learned Transcendental Meditation showed increased creativity in comparison to controls, as measured by a higher level of pictorial originality when measured after five months of practice.
Film-makers, poets, actors, artists & writers do it
World-famous film-makers, poets, actors, artists and writers are drawn to practise Transcendental Meditation because of the very powerful results they see in fellow artists. Many successful business people are drawn to Transcendental Meditation because of the ability it gives them to manifest their ideas effectively. Whatever your profession, whether office worker, mother, father, lawyer, entrepreneur or teacher – you need to unlock the full power of creativity in your life. Creativity is for everyone – it helps solve issues and find ways around problems - whether at home, in the office or in life as a whole.
Take the next step
Find out why actors, directors and other artists see Transcendental Meditation as an essential part of their life. Regular introductory talks are held in your area by certified TM teachers. The talks take about an hour and there is no charge.
TM lærere
Tore Mjøs
Tore er autorisert instruktør i TM, og Nasjonal Direktør for Maharishi-stiftelsen.
Thomas Reinholdt
Thomas er autorisert TM instruktør, Fallskjermjeger, Siviløkonom og Jurist og har praktisert TM i 17 år.
Ana Filipovska
Ana er autorisert TM instruktør og utdannet arkitekt og Vastu arkitekt. Hun har praktisert TM i 17 år.