Dissolve stress naturally

We get stressed when our nervous system is unable to get the special quality of rest it needs to recover completely from everything life throws at us.

If we are deprived of anything natural, there are eventually serious consequences. Severe sleep loss leads to the brain taking mini-sleeps when we are awake. And that can be disastrous. If we are deprived of dream, such as when sleeping pills are taken long term, we begin to hallucinate during the day.

When the nervous system doesn't get a profound state of restful alertness, we get stressed. We become unhappy. We don't sleep well. We lose our cool. The body begins to complain and life becomes a struggle.

Yet it is possible to access a source of vitality within which makes life easier, more enjoyable and rewarding. And rise above stress.

The fourth state of consciousness

Accessing a fourth natural state of consciousness of which we are ordinarily deprived – a deeply settled, restful, yet conscious state – is a universal human ability. It allows the brain to de-fragment, reset, and become more functional.

In this state, mental chatter ceases and new pathways are able to form in the brain. We are handicapped without it. Like walking around without shoes. Is it any wonder we have, as a species, endemic mental ill-health, delinquency, crime, open conflict, runaway birth rates and global poverty?

Call it the simplest state of human awareness, call it transcending, call it connecting with the body's innate intelligence, realising your essential nature, communing with universal consciousness – the outcome is the same, and it's measurable.

Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a simple and reliable way of freeing the mind from the vicious circle of activation. That is all that is needed - give the mind a break. The mind needs short periods of silence, regularly. 

Different kinds of meditation are as different as different types of medication. Some techniques discipline the mind, some explore new avenues of understanding, some monitor the present stream of consciousness. None of theses involve transcending. They don't allow the mind to go beyond sensation, beyond thought, beyond activity altogether. 

You don't have to learn a new skill. You don't have to be able to sit still or keep your mind focused or empty of thought. Even children learn Transcendental Meditation. It's easy from the first day.

Stress-free life

Transcendental Meditation has profound effects. Health care costs have been found to be 55% less after 6 years. Blood pressure is likely to stay within safe limits, anxiety decreases, war veterans and refugees recover from years of emotional numbness following trauma. Relationships heal, and elderly practitioners have outlived their matched controls.

Simple, down-to-earth

TM is learned one-to-one from a certified teacher over a short 4 day course. It is easy from the first day. It could be the best investment you'll ever make.

What next?

Come and find out how Transcendental Meditation can help make your life less stressful and more of a celebration. The one hour talk is informal and there is no charge. You can meet the teachers and ask your questions. No obligation.

Vårt kurslokale

Teatergata 1, (inngang fra Akersgata), 0180 Oslo

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TM i media

Time Magazine

BBC News: Meditation lowers blood pressure

"Transcendental meditation may be one way to keep the heart healthy, say researchers who have discovered how it keeps blood pressure low."

FT: Financial Times "Meditate to sharpen your assertive edge"

"TM helps people 'become more dynamic, more focused, more creative and yet not consumed by stress' … 'it's unlikely [aggressive Type-A personalities] will be de-fanged and turned into a Type-B, by meditating. But they might feel less tense'."

The Guardian: Does TM work?

On 1 March 2014, one of the biggest British national daily newspapers, The Guardian, published a long article on the Transcendental Meditation practice. Staff journalist Stuart Heritage approached the topic from a very personal perspective: "First he tried sleep apps, then a flotation tank, then mindfulness – but nothing would stop the chatter in Stuart Heritage's increasingly exhausted mind. Would Transcendental Meditation, currently enjoying a revival, do the trick?"  Peppered by tongue-in-cheek humour, the article has created quite a stir in Britain. According to trustworthy sources, the interest in learning the TM technique has simply skyrocketed in the weeks following the publication of the story.

Time Magazine: TM for PTSD

Time Magazine: TM for PTSD "a peer-reviewed study finds that TM may have helped to alleviate symptoms of PTSD and improve quality of life in veterans of OEF/OIF with combat-related PTSD."

Noen suksessrike TM utøvere




Nicole Kidman


Jim Carrey


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Ellen Degeneres


Oprah Winfrey


David Lynch


Paul McCartney


Clint Eastwood







TM lærere 

Tore Mjøs

Tore er autorisert instruktør i TM, og Nasjonal Direktør for Maharishi-stiftelsen.  


Thomas Reinholdt

Thomas er autorisert TM instruktør, Fallskjermjeger, Siviløkonom og Jurist og har praktisert TM i 17 år. 

Mark Heath, TM Teacher, Brighton


Ana Filipovska

Ana er autorisert TM instruktør og utdannet arkitekt og Vastu arkitekt. Hun har praktisert TM i 17 år.